korero GmbH offers customized consulting services to support companies in overcoming current and future challenges in the energy industry.

Our experts have in-depth industry knowledge and extensive experience in areas such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, smart grids & regulatory requirements.


Gemeinsam in eine nachhaltige Energiezukunft.

With korero GmbH, you have a partner at your side who will help you to fully exploit the potential of the energy industry and successfully meet the challenges of the future.

Together, we are shaping a sustainable, future-oriented energy supply that meets the needs of companies and society.


Gemeinsam in eine nachhaltige Energiezukunft.

With korero GmbH, you have a partner at your side who will help you to fully exploit the potential of the energy industry and successfully meet the challenges of the future.

Together, we are shaping a sustainable, future-oriented energy supply that meets the needs of companies and society.

We help with all questions relating to the rollout of smart metering systems
Wir behalten für Sie den Überblick beim Zusammenspiel der energiewirtschaftlichen Prozesse
Wir sind Ihr Ansprechpartner bei der Einbindung von steuerbarer Intelligenz hinter dem Stromzähler
Für Ihre Herausforderungen und Geschäftsmodelle rund um Elektromobilität sind wir hochqualifizierte Ansprechpartner
When integrating systems, we know the processes and take on numerous market roles for you
We keep track of what is currently probably the biggest challenge in the energy industry for you
Regulatory specialists, engineers and physicists from our company will help you on your way to climate neutrality
We have the right approaches for reducing CO2 in your processes or those of your customers
Wir helfen bei den richtigen Entscheidungen rund um die Gateway Administration